Cloud-based office supply dealer software of the kinds provided by Dealer commander are customized to every kind of office supply dealers everywhere. These days business is about business, and not about the kind of organization structure, profit and visibility. If you have to sell, technology will, keeping in mind your complexities and peculiarities, design an organization around it such that with available resources, you can do more than you could have ever expected. At the centre of this set-up surely is technology which lets you decentralize things without losing control in anyway. In fact, the world of digitization software the net and communication which in some time shall also have big data, AI and such technologies butting in, has given more control to most entrepreneurs than before on every aspect of business, right from procurements, storing, sales and collections. With smart-contract becoming all but a reality, the need for brick-and-mortar and other expensive and resource-heavy set of realities may just lose all their significance!
The world of office supply dealer software is readying itself (it in most cases, is already functioning in most countries in the west!) in traditional places like India to practically take up the entire exercise of doing business with minimum human intervention. In doing so, it provides the following when it comes to order management of an office supply dealer business:
– Commercial order entry:
Order received from parties can directly be entered in the system by the vendor/ dealer. A slight variation of this set-up is in case of a B2B or B2C set-up where through the cloud and websites, limited accesses is given to the client to enter on their own, details of their orders. For that, the system can, if so configured, can provided instant details of stock positions and likely time taken for replenishments. What is important here is that the feature should be able to undertake orders of any kinds, quantity and value, and never go flat when orders start to pile-up.
– Create Quotes, Invoices and Packing Slips
Creating quotes to be sent to prospective clients (or existing ones) is an important function of the any software for office supply dealer. In doing so, it ought to be quick, accurate and give maximum amount of information which lets the client(s) take informed decisions and do the same very fast.
Same goes for the creation of invoices and packing slips, both of which could either go along with the consignment or separately. Creation of invoices in stand-alone dealer software is one thing but getting the same done thru a cloud-based server is quite another. And that, is for a reason. Stand-alones cannot be updated time and again without incurring steep expenses whereas a system which is cloud-based, can do the same very fast and with the least fuss and difficulties. Also, in the case of cloud-based software, these can be accessed from anywhere at any time. In fact, it also has the facility to send invoices, quotes and other documents attached to email messages and even whatsapp communication!
– Apply coupon codes
Coupons are a great way to give discounts and other benefits to one’s clients and one of the best ways of keeping track of these is thru a dedicated Software for Office Supply Dealer. Once generated they can be used with ease for demarcated clients.
– Convert online customer saved carts to orders
Clients often come online, browse and then retreat without ordering. A valuable function in the Software for Office Supply Dealer is that of a “cart” which stores details of those orders that a client may want at a later day or which the client wants but not in the present moment. Such a feature can never be the case with a stand-alone software and is exclusive in the case of cloud-based software where clients themselves take the trouble to search for what they desire.
– Easy profit controls + change of GP per item or order
An online, cloud-based system (provided the net connection permits) is the best to instantly know one’s profit margins per product, per order or even per clients and on other basis as well. Such a tool helps businesses change GP on item or per order or on other consideration so as to keep business coming back. Also, with practically every aspect of the business being online, knowing the costs of each activity greatly helps to keep margins and costs in check!
– POS facility with card payment options
Businesses these days do not carry large quantities of cash. Those are the exclusive purview of banks and certain financial institutions. For clients, the best software for office supply dealers shall always have the best and most efficient of POS facility for card payments. These days, it should ideally have UPI-supported payment facilities as well so that every client JUST BUYS their needs and never, ever goes back empty handed.
– Live Vendor Stock Check
One of the best part of having an online software for office supply dealers is that it gives figures which remain very fresh. Being on the cloud, information gets fed from varied sources due to which information is constantly updated. Knowing things like vendor stock position for any or all products is never a problem. This translates into having clients who know what to expect when, and whether it makes sense to stick around or move on.
– Better customer relations!
One of the best and most significant feature of a good office supply dealer software is that it contains the entire buying history of the client! Coupled with AI and big-data these days, such clients can be given multiple proposals for products that suits or may suit their needs. Also, what interest them, when, why etc can be answered much more easily than trying to gauge the same without the backing of relevant information. Offers, can be customized thread-bare to unbelievable limits so that there is every reason a client stays with a dealer!